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The Midwich Cuckoos

On Set DIT, Digital Dailies


Midwich is a small, sleepy village just outside of London - until one September when everyone in the town suddenly falls unconscious. Once everyone comes too, it’s discovered that every woman of childbearing age has become pregnant, and later gives birth to a group of chillingly unusual children, known as The Midwich Cuckoos.

Mission provided On Set DIT services to this shoot with technicians Anthony Dias and Garry Maddison, as well as Digital Dailies through Lab Operators James Ian Gray, Josh Unwin, James Corning, Manuel Lopez, Alec Garner and John McNally.


Alice Troughton
Jennifer Perrott


David Katznelson DFF BSC

Production Company

Snowed In Productions

Mission Talent

On Set DIT -

Anthony Dias
Garry Maddison
John McNally

Lab Operators -

James Ian Gray
Josh Unwin
James Corning
Manuel Lopez
Alec Garner
John McNally

Shooting Format

Sony Venice


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