Mission - Shepperton Studios
Dailies close to the action
Situated at the heart of Shepperton Studios, one of the biggest and busiest film studios in the world, Mission's offices at Shepperton continue our tradition of excellence and innovation in managing digital workflows. We can fulfil all your dailies, DIT and playback needs from the lot itself, as well as our colour consultancy and virtual production services to boot.
This facility is purpose built, with capacity to service dailies requirements of those shooting both in and outside the studio. With high-powered SAN storage, large volume LTO7/ LTO8 archive and restoration capacity, high-speed connectivity and a dedicated viewing theatre, it's designed to be future proof.
In addition, we have a high speed internet connection that allows for fast uploads of rushes to the cloud, further cementing our commitment to the future of digital storage.

Reviewing all formats
Our screening room is ready for all your monitoring needs. Sporting a 4m screen and Dolby Atmos sound, alongside UHD and HDR monitoring, it's the perfect environment to review dailies in all forms of consumption: from cinematic to home viewing.
Using Mission's ACES colour pipeline, Mission can offer controlled onset HDR monitoring, thus ensuring the best match on HDR and SDR deliverables.
Complying with TPN security requirements, this facility will have controlled door access and CCTV with firewall protection across all servers. Isolated digital labs can be built to meet specific security requirements.
Come look for us at Building 30, Shepperton Studios.